An overview of the latest progress of the DICOM standard from the recent base standard meeting

Label Map Segmentation

This Supplement describes addition of a Label Map Segmentation IOD to DICOM to encode classification of entities.

Currently, the DICOM standard supports an IOD and SOP Class for pixel- or voxel-based segmentation encoding (as distinct from the representation of segmented objects as surfaces in the surface segmentation and encapsulated 3D object IODs and SOP Classes), in which each segmented property is represented as a binary bit plane (or an 8 bit probabilistic or occupancy value).

While this allows for overlapping of segments, it is inefficient and difficult to encode large numbers of non-overlapping segmentations, as they require non-trivial processing both to extract from the bit plane encoded data, to assure there is no overlap, and to convert to the label map form that is very commonly used internally and persistently for clinical applications.

The current DICOM bit-plane-based segmentation methods have proven to be awkward both for 3D cross-sectional imaging applications when there are very large numbers of slices and/or structures, and for whole slide microscopy imaging, when there are very large numbers of tiles and/or property classes.

They are also typically large and sparse and should compress well but there are very few single bit compression schemes supported by the standard and they do not do well with these types of images.

This Supplement defines a label map segmentation enhanced multi-frame IOD that specifies a data structure that provides, for each pixel or voxel in 2D, 3D or tiled pyramidal space, an index value conveying the non-overlapping segment for each pixel.

Existing data elements for describing segmentations are reused where appropriate.

Bit depth is sufficient (8, 16) to encode large numbers of segments but allow for more compact encoding.

The existing palette color photometric interpretation may be used (instead of monochrome) if colors are to be suggested, to leverage the widespread implementations in toolkits, and to allow for the use of existing lossless com- pression schemes.

Segment properties are conveyed in the existing segment description structure so as to be compatible with the existing bit plane segment descriptions.

Re-using the segment description does not prevent the use of separately encoded or well- known DICOM color palette objects.

The scope is confined to label maps for "classes" (what "class" a segment represents) but not "instances' (which "instance" of a "class" is represented), where classes and instances are separately communicated by the pixel value (e.g., if one wants to individually identify nuclei rather than treat them all as being of one class).

This might be the subject of a future extension.

The scope is confined to a single label map, which does not allow for overlap of different segments.

If overlapping of multiple label maps is required, separate SOP Instances may be created.

Issues related to the efficient representation (or avoidance) of the Per-Frame Functional Group Sequence (in which, for every frame, the Referenced Segment Number is specified) are out of scope, and may be addressed in a separate Supplement or CP if necessary.

This supplement was voted ready as final text and is incorporated in publication 2024d.

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Ultrasound Fetal Cardiac SR Extensions

This supplement to the DICOM Standard introduces new SR template content to address fetal cardiac assessments in echo reports.

Current clinical practice and technology for fetal cardiac assessments using ultrasound have progressed since Sup78 was published, which introduced TID 5220 "Pediatric, Fetal and Congenital Cardiac Ultrasound Reports" and sub-template TID 5228 "Cardiac Ultrasound Fetal Measurement Section".

Practice now includes many more measurements beyond visual assessment. For example, additions will address:

  • measurements of the ventricles, atria, septa and valves,
  • measurements of fetal arrhythmia and hemodynamics,
  • assessment of the fetal cardiovascular profile score (CVPS)
Both the fetal (TID 5228) and pediatric (TID 5221) templates contain multiple inclusions of TID 5222 which is parameterized with CIDs 12282 through 12294 to address specific pieces of anatomy and corresponding measurements.

Many measurements described for pediatric echo are also potentially relevant for fetal echo, particularly at later stages of fetal development.

To that end, TID 5221 is now included in TID 5228, making any of those measurements readily available as needed and appropriate.

Also, CID 12279, which is titled Cardiac Ultrasound Fetal General Measurement, is pruned here based on usage experience to list just general fetal measurements that are specifically relevant to cardiac fetal ultrasound.

CID 12005 Fetal Biometry Measurement already covers fetal measurements relevant to a non-cardiac fetal ultrasound. Since CID 12279 is extensible, any existing implementations with unexpected usages will not be invalidated.

This supplement was voted ready as final text and is incorporated in publication 2024d.

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Heightmap Segmentation

This Supplement introduces a new Heightmap Segmentation IOD and SOP Class.

Heightmaps in computer graphics are defined as a two-dimensional raster image used to store surface elevations that can later be applied to a three-dimensional object.

In its DICOM use, heightmap is a type of segmentation using a 2D set of pixels to identify a surface in the 3D volume of a referenced multi-frame image.

In the degenerate case, it can identify the intersection of a surface with a single image plane, i.e., a 1D raster for a 2D object.

The Heightmap Segmentation IOD follows the current enhanced multi-frame image data architecture.

For data management purposes, e.g., with Media Exchange, Heightmap Segmentation SOP Instances may be treated similarly to other segmentation images.

While intended to be broadly applicable for a variety of medical imaging domains, the initial use case is in ophthalmic tomography (OPT) for representing segmentation of retinal layers.

Further description of Heightmap Segmentation is found in the proposed informative annex to PS3.17.

This Supplement also revises the current Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography En Face Image IOD, which had required use of Surface Segmentation SOP Instances to specify a retinal layer, to allow use of any type of segmentation SOP Instances, including Heightmap Segmentation or other (including future) SOP Classes.

The reference to the segmentation object in the En Face Image object enables traceability of the processing steps that produced the image. It is not necessarily the case that a receiving application could reproduce the En Face Image from the original source Ophthalmic Tomography Image(s) and the referenced segmentation object(s).

This supplement was voted ready as final text and is incorporated in publication 2024d.

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This supplement adds lossless, JPEG recompression and general JPEG XL Transfer Syntaxes. JPEG XL has the following desirable features:

  • JPEG XL has demonstrated improved compression of color images
  • Existing Baseline JPEG images can be transcoded without additional loss to smaller JPEG XL images (particularly useful for WSI)
  • Supports multi-frame encoding more effectively than animated gif, the only other multiframe rendered format
  • JPEG XL has both lossless and lossy modes that can be natively displayed in some browsers
  • Has flexible encoding options (including > 8 bits, single bit)

JPEG XL is also added to the set of rendered formats for DICOMweb.

  • It avoids the need to transcode into JPEG
  • Performance is adequate even with WASM based decoders

This supplement was voted ready as final text and is incorporated in publication 2024d.

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DICOMweb API for Server Volumetric Rendering

This supplement introduces Volumetric Rendering web services and a Volumetric Rendering Protocol IOD to enable Volume Rendering (VR), Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP), and Multiplanar Planar Rendering (MPR) without having to specify the numerous and complex parameters required to do so.

Web services enable a user agent to initiate server-side 3D volumetric rendering by specifying Query Parameters and/or referencing a Volumetric Rendering Protocol, or a Volumetric Presentation State.

The Resources introduced in the Supplement derive Query Parameters from Volumetric Presentation State attributes while maintaining alignment with current DICOMweb Studies Rendered Resources.

The Volumetric Rendering Protocol IOD is a Non-Patient Instance within the Defined Procedure Protocol IOD family.

Its primary function is to facilitate the creation of predefined renderings, by establishing criteria and organizing image set inputs for rendering, and specifying Volumetric Rendering parameters, such as rendering algorithms, geometry, color, shading, and lighting.

This supplement was voted ready as final text and is incorporated in publication 2024d.

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Frame Deflate Transfer Syntax

This Supplement adds a new Transfer Syntax primarily for single bit segmentation encoding, which is otherwise not well supported.

There is a need to be able to store and transfer encoded single frames (such as for DICOMweb) rather than the entire dataset for those applications where only selected frames of a multi-frame object are required (such as for selected tiles at selected resolutions for whole slide images that have been segmented, or multi-organ segmentations of large volumetric CT or MR datasets).

Currently, the DICOM standard supports a means of single bit representation of binary segmentations with a Bits Stored and Bits Al- located of 1, and these can grow extremely large, especially when segmenting at the full resolution of the underlying image (e.g., for whole slide imaging).

If compressed, they need to be mathematically reversibly (losslessly) compressed. The existing Deflate Transfer Syntax (algorithm used in zip and gzip) is reasonably effective, but applies to the entire data set (including the "metadata" and all the frames treated as a single stream).

Frame-based pixel data compression schemes currently in the standard generally do not support single-bit, with the exception of RLE and J2K (CP 2301), neither of which achieves as high a compression ratio as Deflate does for segmentation data.

Other alternative lossless compression codecs designed for single bit use (such as for fax using CCITT Group 4 (ITU-T T.6), JBIG, or JBIG2) were considered, which though they compress more effectively, were not considered widely enough supported to justify the complexity for this use case at this time. Other general purpose compressors do slightly better than Deflate, but again, not so much better that they justify their addition to the standard at this time, though they may be considered in future if other use cases justify them.

This supplement was voted to be ready to go out for Letter Ballot.

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Waveform Presentation State

This supplement introduces Service Classes for storage and exchange of presentation information for DICOM waveform objects by adding a Waveform Presentation State IOD. The Waveform Presentation State object stores the display montages, i.e. calculative combinations of recorded channels, display filter and other display properties as well as arbitrary Annotations.

This supplement adds

  • a new Waveform Presentation State IE.
  • a SOP Class to store Waveform Presentation States and the related Modules.
In clinical neurophysiology it is important to be able to recreate the presentation of the recorded data as it was displayed during the recording or during review and reporting. This is important for example when activity is noted by the operator during recording and that view needs to be recreated post-hoc for review by a specialist.

In cardiology, technicians annotate previously recorded waveforms (e.g. from home monitoring Holter ECG) and highlights areas of interest. This information is essential input for the cardiologist who reviews the ECG and finally provides the report.

This supplement was voted to be ready to go out for Letter Ballot.

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RDSR Informative Annex

This Supplement provides explanatory information on the creation and usage of RDSR (traditional and enhanced) within Angiography, Mammography, Radiography, CT, Dentistry modalities etc.

This supplement excludes Radiopharmaceutical and Patient Radiation Dose SR.

Given the modality-specific content definition of the RDSR, and the many different types of system configurations existing in the field, it becomes challenging for the manufacturers to have a clear understanding of the precise requirements for each type of device.

The purpose of this supplement can be summarized as follows:

- Give more information beyond the definitions in PS 3.16: describe real-world scenarios of typical equipment configurations, provide examples and encoding guidelines;

- Indicate restrictions on the applicable scenarios (defined terms recommended, values ranges, recommended presence of Content Items);

- Promote usage of optional Content Items under particular scenarios;

- Assess the applicability for some conditional Content Items under particular scenarios;

The scope of the proposed Supplement includes:

- An overview of the landscape of different modalities and types of equipment configuration, from simple legacy CR to modern integrated Angio equipment.

- Guidance on how to use the different TIDs and Content Items depending on the modality, equipment types and configurations.

This supplement will be further presented and discussed in the base standard group before going out for Public Comments.

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Structural Heart SR Template

This supplement introduces SR templates for Structural Heart Procedures.

These procedures involve interventions aimed at addressing various conditions or abnormalities affecting the structures of the heart, excluding the coronary arteries.

Unlike open-heart surgery, these interventions are characterized by their minimally invasive nature or catheter-based approach.

Periprocedural imaging follows a consistent pattern of three phases: pre-operative assessment, intraprocedural assessment, and follow-up.

Throughout all three phases, echocardiography emerges as the primary imaging modality.

X-ray angiography is predominantly utilized for intraprocedural guidance.

CT may also find application in the pre-operative assessment and follow-up.

The templates proposed in the supplement are based the Simplified Adult Echocardiography Templates (root TID 5300), modified to support multimodality image acquisition.

Structural Heart Procedures include:

  • TAVI: Transcatheter Aortic Valve implantation
  • TAVR: Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement
  • TTVP: Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Procedure
  • TTVR: Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Repair
  • TEER: Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair
  • TMVr: Transcatheter Mitral Leaflet Clip Procedure
  • TMVR: Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement
  • LAAC: Left Atrial Appendage Closure

This supplement will be further presented and discussed in the base standard group before going out for Public Comments.

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DICOMWeb Modality Services

The DICOMweb Modality Services extends the existing DICOMweb services, mimicking the Modality Worklist (MWL) and Modality Performed Procedure Step (MPPS) services that are already available in DIMSE.

It has been designed with the intention of facilitating proxies from/to DIMSE to/from DICOMweb Modality Services.

This supplement describes the way to perform modality services MWL and MPPS based on DICOM-web's UPS-RS.

This supplement will be further presented and discussed in WG06 before going out for Public Comments.

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