Submit Change Proposal

Change Proposals (CPs) may be submitted to the DICOM Secretariat (

  • DICOM_WG-06_CP_Template
  • Anyone who identifies an error in the Standard or a need for clarification of the Standard is invited to submit a CP.
  • CPs will be reviewed and processed by DICOM WG-6.
  • CPs are assigned to a member of WG-6; subsequent participation by the submitter is welcome but not required.
  • Progress of CPs may be found in the minutes of WG-6.
  • Eventually CPs are collected into a CPack and distributed in a ballot to members of the DICOM Standards Committee.
  • Approved Final Text CPs are incorporated into the next edition of the Standard.

What Are Change Proposals?

A Change Proposal is a small document to describe and address an issue like:

  • Ambiguities - the Standard is not precise and/or leads to multiple interpretations.
  • Omissions - necessary text is missing from the Standard.
  • Inconsistencies - two or more sections of the Standard conflict.
  • Clarifications - the Standard is correct but additional text would facilitate interpretation.
  • Errata - normative or informative text in the Standard contains an error.

Refer to the DICOM Standard Development Process for further details on how Change Proposals are processed.